Fighting Italian Sounding


Realia is an application for Android and iOS smartphones, made to enhance the value of Made in Italy. The main purpose is to detect whether a product displayed in a supermarket or any store is actually produced in Italy.

The item, framed by your device’s camera, if present in Realia’s databases, will return a detailed data sheet with all production and distribution information.


Fighting Italian sounding, an illegal counterfeiting practice, is not easy as direct consumer support is needed to counter it.

Each user has the opportunity to take photographs of products that are not in Realia’s database to initiate a verification practice.

To incentivize users to perform this crucial task and other activities within the app, gamification was introduced.

Through points, prizes and rankings, it has been possible to cultivate an active and pro-active user base to Realia’s cause, coining the term “Knights of Made in Italy.”

Realia Backend

Realia is a complex ecosystem that needs high amounts of data, especially for augmented reality products.

Realia Backend is software that aims to speed up and make accessible editing features for augmented reality.