Virtual Reality software to improve business communication

The Feedback

Feedback is a PC and Virtual Reality Software for the enhancement of HR or their employees’ communication skills through Gamification.

The person will be in a virtual office grappling with a Topic to deal with a Virtual Avatar.

The Virtual Avatar is controlled by the trainer through a dedicated Dashboard.

The practitioner will need to assess the person’s communication skills even toward the most annoying and incomprehensible of people.

A Dashboard for the operator with countless possibilities

The operator has at his disposal a Dashboard in which he can perform a series of actions that will affect what is happening in the office in which the trainee is conducting his virtual session.

Whether remotely, in the same room or in different rooms, the operator can control the following events:

  • Triggering various “distractions” such as the phone ringing or a person entering the office. These distractions are useful to evaluate the behavior of the trainee in response to external disturbances during the meeting.
  • Control the emotions and the answers of the Virtual Avatar
  • Add notes on the person’s behavior.

At the end of the session everything done by the operator and the person is sent as a Report to a dedicated Web platform for data analysis.