Discovering the local area with a Gamification mobile application

Treasures of Blenio Valley

“The Treasures of the Blenio Valley” is an Andoid and iOS application that uses Gamification to discover the Swiss territory of the Blenio Valley in an innovative way.

The app’s main functionality is to guide the family through the Treasure Hunts via a navigator, so that they do not risk getting lost or getting off track.

It begins with a small interactive story that explains why there is a need to go in search of treasure. After this brief introduction, we move on to the navigator screen.

How it works

Head for the treasure point

Use the compass

Recieve your reward

In the GPS we have various Pins that represent the different treasures. When you are near the treasure, the app gives a clue in the form of a nursery rhyme to the family.

When the treasure has been found the app gives back a reward in the form of an interactive educative story.

The app, in addition to its main functionality, has a mode for taking and decorating photos and another in which you can review all the insights gained during the Treasure Hunt.

External Team

elia frapolli

Elia Frapolli

Elia Frapolli Consluence and Tourism

vacanze a km 0 rsi

The application in action on "Holidays at Km 0"

caccia al tesoro foto

Photo Mode

caccia al tesoro video

Gameplay of the application on Campo Blenio

The magic of illustrations

The “Treasures of the Blenio Valley” is an application with magical content that perfectly matches the area in which it is set.

To match that idea of magic, our Art Director decided to use animated illustrations, instead of simple photos to accompany the story and the educative content.

Early Sketches have been produced to show them to the customer and ensure, although in cartoony appearance, fidelity with the races present in the different territories of the Treasure Hunts.

After being approved by the customer, the different drawings have been transformed in vectorial drawings and then animated in Unity.

Campo Blenio Illustrations

Lucomagno Illustrations

A real-life treasure map...

The scavenger hunt aims to encourage tourism in the areas where it is implemented. Among the different Target Audiences, the main one is children, and a real paper treasure map was made for them.

While the parents use the app, the children are free to run around looking for the coin with their little map, ready to trace the edges in the spaces provided.

... and a real-life treasure!

The main goal in the treasure hunts in Campo Blenio and Lucomagno is to recover coins, marked both on the app and on the paper map.

The placement of the coins is not random, but aims to highlight strategic points in the area.

At Campo Blenio, for example, the coins are close to a farm. In this way, through the Treasure Hunt, discovery and interaction with the surroundings is encouraged.

Download the product informative brochure!

Download the “Treasure Hunt” presentation brochure, you can find out in detail all the peculiarities and possibilities of this product!