Serious Game for Alzheimer's Awareness.

I'm Fading

I’m Fading is a Serious Game made by Studio MACACO to raise awareness among family members of people with Alzheimer’s disease.

Made as a Demo, the game sees the person in the role of a young girl who loves spending time with her grandmother.

Unfortunately, while they are in an ice cream shop to enjoy an ice cream, the grandmother seems unable to choose and does not purchase anything, resulting in her granddaughter’s anger.

On their return home the two split up, and when the girl searches for her grandmother, she finds that there is only a white halo and scattered picture frames in the latter’s room.

By rearranging the frames, the girl will be able to reconstruct her grandmother’s memories and help ease her condition.

The game also includes the ability to create a story with one’s own photos; this mode aims to encourage patient training and family interaction.

Game flow

1. Rearrange the photos to find out what happened

2. Look carefully at the photos

3. Complete the sequence correctly

4. Review history

5. Find out useful information on how to help people with Alzheimer's disease

"Main Story" mode

"Create your own story" mode

From Storyboard, to concepts to final product

The Storyboard is a tool used extensively by Studio MACACO to be able to ensure a final result that is akin to the client’s wishes.

Through a series of Sketches, it is possible to preview what the final Software will look like but more importantly the user experience.

Concepts, on the other hand, give an idea of the setting, characters, objects, and so on. With this tool, the customer can assess whether everything is to his or her liking.